
Tutti i nostri prodotti vengono spediti dal nostro Centro Logistico 181 Discover a Zagarise in Italia, dopo un attento controllo di qualità dei prodotti.

The shipping costs for SPAIN, GERMANY, FRANCE, LUXEMBOURG, IRELAND, AUSTRIA,HOLLAND, SWEDEN, DENMARK, ROMANIA, BELGIUM, HUNGARY are calculated according to the selected products as follows :

  • 1 can of 5L or 6 bottles of PGI: 10 euros
  • 2 Cans or 3 5L cans or 12 /16 bottles of PGI: 20 euros
  • 4Cans or 5 Cans: 50 eruro

Per tutti gli ordini per i quali non sono presenti i prodotti sopra citati le spese di spedizioni sono di 25 euro per ordini inferiori a 149 euro

Shipping costs for FINLAND, SWITZERLAND and the UNITED KINGDOM are calculated based on the selected products as follows :

  • 1 can of 5L or 6 bottles of PGI: 30 euros
  • 2 Lattine o 3 Lattine da 5L o 12 /16 Bottoglie di IGP: 35 euro
  • 4Cans or 5 Cans: 50 eruro
Per tutti gli ordini per i quali non sono presenti i prodotti sopra citati le spese di spedizioni sono di 35 euro per ordini inferiori a 149 euro. 

 The shipping costs listed on this page and calculated at the time of purchase, do not include any customs duties or other taxes imposed by the country in which you will receive the goods purchased on the site.


Shipping to ITALY is always free except for orders that do not contain the following products:

  • 1Can, 2Cans, 3Cans, 4Cans , 5Cans, 6(/12/18 Bottles of PGI.2
er all orders for which there are no products mentioned above, shipping costs are 10 euros for orders of less than 89 euros. 

Shipments will be efefttuated within a maximum of 2 days from when the order is placed

Delivery Time

Delivery to Italy is expected within 2 working days from the time of shipment.

Delivery abroad is expected in 6-7 working days from the time of shipment.

It is possible that at particular times of the year (such as holidays) couriers may not guarantee the specified timelines

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181 Discover Srl | Via Torino 23 - 88050 Zagarise (CZ) | P.Iva 11279140963